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  • Writer's pictureMark

Who are you? (09-07-20)

A Reading

“How do you know about me?” Nathaniel asked. Jesus replied, ”I could see you under the fig tree before Philip found you.” (John 1: 48)

A Thought

Mill Lane is a single carriageway that stretches from our house into Old. It is popular with walkers, horse riders, joggers and cyclists.

We often walk along Mill Lane for exercise. Progress is slow, particularly when we recognise other walkers and stop for a chat. The joys of walking, appreciation of countryside, behaviour of dogs, provide ready introduction into conversation. We are not in a rush and can talk as long as seems appropriate.

Horse riders and joggers are easily recognised, but conversation is difficult in the circumstances. Nevertheless, we readily offer a polite but limited “Good day” and know who we are talking to.

Communicating with cyclists is extremely difficult. They approach at speed, with their head down over the handlebars, wearing uninformative cycling outfits. As they race past, we look towards them to see who it is. But cycle helmets and reflective goggles conceal their faces.

“Hello Judith and Mark!” we hear as they pass by. Who was that? It sounded like Tim but the chin looked familiar and might have been John!

Unless we hear “Hello Judith and Mark! I’m John!” we are unlikely to recognise you as you fly past on your timed activity.

What we are wearing does not cause any difficulty for God. He always knows who we are. His sight is not blocked by our garments. God looks through us and into us. There are no secrets from God. There is nothing that we have attempted to conceal that will not be revealed. There is nothing that we have hidden that will not be made known. He knows us personally and completely, since the Holy Spirit lives within us.

His conversation is not hampered by what we are doing. Wherever we are in our lives, whatever speed or direction we are travelling, he is beside us. He is always available for consultation. His Holy Spirit will speak with us about what we are doing and whether we should be doing it or doing something else. He is never pushed for time – he has eternity at his disposal.

God knows who we really are and wants us to follow him.

A Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus,

You know my deepest weaknesses and faults,

you know how I have managed to keep you at a distance,

and yet you invite me to join you as a child of God.

Please come into my life, please be with me forever.


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1 comentario

10 jul 2020

Thank you for such a beautiful and powerful prayer.

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