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Ministry Team

In Memory of Paul Anstice

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Lay Reader

There are very few statements truer than ‘you are busier once you have retired than when you were working.’ As retirement beckoned from a life time as an academic and consultant, I imagined a relaxing time to be spent with my wife Jackie, pottering in the garden and on the allotment and pursuing some of those hobbies I enjoyed but had neglected over the years through lack of time.


But God had a different idea. He wanted me to be licensed as a Lay Reader and three years of retirement have been spent ‘returning to school’ to train. I never saw that coming! Throughout my working life I have always strived to help people improve and be the best they can in their chosen professional field. Now I am trying to do the same for the faith of God’s family in the Walgrave benefice.

Alex Elston

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Lay Reader

Alex writes:


My name is Alexandra Elston, and I have lived in Old with my son Ben for twenty years. We are lucky enough to live in the Townson Close community, where we have been supported by Old Parish Charities.


I became a Christian after asking God to save my brother at the Hillsborough disaster. I've been a Reader since 2014 and was licensed a few months after my husband died suddenly from a stroke. I'm also a primary teacher and a cricket coach. Cricket is a huge part of our family life, as are animals.


I look forward to meeting you in one of our wonderful churches.

Jane Wren

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Lay Worship Minister

I am a Church Warden and Lay Worship leader at St Peters Church in Walgrave. I have worshipped there for a little over 15 years and have lived in Walgrave for 17 years. My faith has supported me in all our good and not so good times and it remains core to my everyday life. 


I have a lovely husband Rob and am Mum to our big son Matthew and Mummy to our littler son William. Matthew has blessed us with twin grandchildren Isabella and Louie. As a family we are either in Church or the pub in Walgrave both are second homes to us!! 


Alfie, our dog, is another member of our family. He is the shouty dog up the alley way off Rectory Lane

Church Wardens

Gill Parton

07788 416776 

Andrew Greatrex

07971 118827

Jacki Hurst

07926 816089

Alex Elston

07544 817994

Jane Wren

07971 597404

Vicki Kelly

07983 878606

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