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Writer's pictureMark

Take care of my creation 30-04-20

A Bible Reading

So God created human beings in his own image… Then God blessed them and said, Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground. (Genesis 27-28)

A Thought

God entrusted us with responsibility for the environment and the other creatures that share our planet. The world has talked a lot about climate change, but has not been making much physical progress. Now with a pandemic suddenly upon us all, I see planes grounded and cars parked in their drives. Many are re-evaluating the benefits of sourcing local produce. The sky is blue once again.

I was listening to a radio programme in which two scientists were being interviewed. As the half hour approached, the radio host tried to bring the discussion to a close by saying ‘We are running out of time’. ‘No, we are not!’, replied the scientists, ‘Time can never run out. Time is infinite’.

Jesus set out a code of moral behaviour for us to follow which transcends time. 2000 years later, in bible study groups and across our website, we discuss his words and realise how they still apply to us. He is generous in the time he gives us to work things out. Thank goodness for his patience.

In making all things anew, God has eternity at his disposal. Yet has the time for just talking about environmental issues finally been called by our Host in Heaven? Surely it is time to take seriously our responsibilities to God for his creation.

A Prayer

Dear Lord, we thank you that you love us and that you have shown your confidence in us to look after your wonderful creation on earth.

We are sorry that we have taken for granted the resources and wildlife around us, and that we have a habit of taking out more than we put back in.

May we stand firmly in the moral guidance you have given us.

Your beauty is all around us. Why do we need to look for more?


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