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  • Writer's pictureMark

Ready to chat (21-09-2022)

A Reading

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Jesus Christ. (Philippians 4:6-7)

A Thought

On holiday recently with friends in the Lake District, we visited Blackwell House, with stunning views overlooking Lake Windermere. We intended to lunch there, but as the cafeteria was full, we were given a buzzer which they would ring when we were ready. So we started our self-guided tour of Blackwell.

Blackwell was built at the turn of the 20 century by a noted architect Mackay Baillie Scott for a wealthy Manchester brewer. The house boasts open rooms with galleries and mezzanine, each flowing into another.

When it went off, the buzzer turned out to be very loud. Several visitors wondered if an alarm had been triggered. The bleeping stretched to every corner of the ground floor, bringing our disassembled party back together for a return to the cafeteria.

God is always interested to hear about our lives and thoughts. His prompt is more subtle than a blaring buzzer. It arrives as a moment of realisation in the conversations, events, images and broadcasts that cross our daily paths.

So once again this morning, before I hit my tasks for the day, I will be sitting down to have coffee with God. There is plenty to catch up on, maybe faith, life, work and families.

A Prayer

Dear Father,

Forgive me when I fail to talk with you, and instead drive on through life with my head down.

Yet you are only ever a thought away.

Thank you that I may share my thoughts with you, even though you know them already.

For we both need to meet up more often.

In your mercy,


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