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Writer's pictureMark

Anyone for tennis? (10-06-21)

A Reading

He (Joseph) was thirty years old when he began serving in the court of Pharoah, the king of Egypt. (Genesis 41: 46)

A Thought

Rafael Nadal has just celebrated his 35th birthday as he bids to win the French Open for a fourteenth time.

A simple checklist will help us to emulate his achievement:

We need the best equipment in our sports bag. We must have our Bible to hand.

We need to turn up at the right time. The weekly newsletter will inform us when our church services and house groups meet.

We need power. Having just celebrated Pentecost, we know that we have the power of the Holy Spirit. If we rely on our own strength, we will fail.

We need to serve well. We are called to be servants wherever we live, work or take our leisure.

We need to receive well. Christian life is not just about giving. We also need to be humble enough to receive all that God and other people have to give.

We need to overcome our faults and unforced errors. God our umpire keeps the score, and knows precisely whether we have played inside the line or not.

We need a good coach. Jesus is our personal coach. He believes in us and values us. We need to listen to him, and behave accordingly whilst we are on this earthly court.

Just like Joseph many centuries ago.

A Prayer

Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you have provided everything I need for life.

Please help me to follow your guidance, using your gifts well, as an example to everyone present.


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