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Writer's pictureMark

08-04-20 Time

A Bible Reading

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed (Mark 1:35)

Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:16)

A Thought

The rigour of daily life often crowds out time for prayer. Even when I sit down to pray, so often my thoughts wander onto the tasks and business ahead.

Jesus had a better strategy. He deliberately separated himself from the rigour of daily life in order that he could turn his full attention to God.

Our National lockdown from the coronavirus may provide just such an opportunity to get away from other people and demands upon our attention.

With work furloughed (a new word in my vocabulary) or otherwise on hold, you may now be able to leave everything behind and enjoy peace and quiet.

Our single permitted daily outside exercise easily takes us outside our villages and into beautiful countryside. Shielding at home allows us to sit in the garden and enjoy the visiting wildlife.

We have time to appreciate the glorious creation of God. Time to be alone and sit with God. Time to talk to God. Time to feel and know his presence.

A Prayer

Thank you, God for this wonderful opportunity to sit and talk with you. To share with you my grateful thanks for your creation, for friends and family and all that is good and to share with you my worries and concerns.

Let me take this opportunity to give you time to reach out to me that I might listen and know that you hold me in your arms of love.


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