Pause for thought
As we pause today, let us join with the praise of all God's people in these words from Psalm 8.
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Your glory is sung above the heavens.
From the mouths of little children and infants, you have ordained praise.
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
(Psalms 8:1-2,9)
Bible Reading: John 1:14-17
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. Out of his fullness we have all received grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
A Reflection:
As I continue to explore the mystery of God revealed in John’s gospel I am drawn to these words, ‘The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.’ Jesus, the Word of God, who was with God in the beginning, and who indeed was God, became flesh and dwelt among us, here on this tiny planet in a far-flung galaxy of the universe that he created and formed with his own hands.
To a world that had fallen far short of the standards that God expects, the standards which he revealed in the law of Moses, one might expect ‘The Word Made Flesh’ to come in judgement. But no, Jesus Christ, the Word of God, came full of grace and truth.
In all his words, Jesus spoke only the truth, truth about the love of God that brings freedom to many but got himself into trouble on many occasions and eventually lead to his own death.
In all his deeds, Jesus acted with grace, whether it was to the poor, the oppressed, the sick of the sinner. Jesus demonstrated the grace of God time and time again, so that John could write, ‘We have all received grace upon grace.’ We sin and God pours out his grace. We sin again and God pours out his grace again. We sin again and God pours out his grace again and again and again…
Stop for a moment and think of the times God has poured out his grace on you. Times when you know you have been forgiven. Times when you have known great blessing. Times when you have experienced undeserved love or favour. Times when your needs have been met. Can you let these memories lead you to a place of praise and worship?
As we reflect on the grace that we have received from God, I wonder how we can demonstrate that grace to those around us. How can we show God's grace to those who wrong us? How can we show God’s grace to those in need? How can we show God's grace to those we come across simply in the normal course of our day? Grace is never deserved, but it always welcome.
God of Grace, give me the grace to share your grace
With everyone I meet and in all I do and say, today and always. Amen
Fullness of Grace